Tennis Elbow Symptoms and Treatment

Tennis elbow blows! The thing I hated most about this condition was that it prevented me from doing even the most simplest of things. I couldn’t screw in a light bulb without feeling pain, sweeping the floor also gave me a bit of pain; heck, even picking up a light object off the floor was painful!

Thankfully, I’m all fine now because I was disciplined enough to follow the guidelines described in the tennis elbow e-guide I downloaded about a year ago. Yes, you can perform home treatment for tennis elbow pain using the e-guide as your reference; therefore you don’t need pricey physiotherapy sessions, fancy workout apparatuses, etc.

However, to recover quickly, it is crucial that you follow the directions outlined in the e-guide diligently and that will require discipline. That’s not going to be a problem I believe, because in my experience discipline comes easily when you’re in pain! Anyway, if you’re interested to learn more about the e-guide, just click on the link down below.

what are the symptoms of tennis elbow

Now let’s look at a few common tennis elbow symptoms and treatment methods…

(1) What Are the Symptoms of Tennis Elbow?

The main symptom is that sort of electric pain occurring within your outer elbow. The pain is typically intense. In some cases, it even produces throbbing and stabbing like pain which I’ve experienced before. It was really excruciating I tell you.

Another symptom is the dreaded reddish color manifesting right around the skin of your elbow. You grip an object tightly and the pain shoots up. Try lifting an object with your elbow bent and the pain hits you bad right from the forearm area and all the way down to your fingers. So these are the symptoms of tennis elbow.

(2) Treatment Measures

Icing is a fantastic way to treat inflammation induced by tennis elbow. When it comes to icing tennis elbow, it’s important that you take your time applying the ice to the affected area. See, before I found the e-guide I spoke of earlier, I already knew a thing or two about tennis elbow symptoms and treatment. I knew that the icing technique is ideal for bringing inflammation down, but I didn’t realize that you have to apply the ice for approximately 15 minutes and do it a few times a day.

Previously, I was applying ice to the pain area maybe a couple minutes at time, 5 minutes at most. The icing period was too short so it didn’t make much of a difference. Also note that while you wait for the inflammation to decrease, try to avoid tasks that could aggravate the pain. At this point, you should really give the affected arm a decent rest.

Allow your elbow to heal properly and when that happens, you might want to embark on series of exercises specifically designed to build up the strength of your elbow and forearm. Trust me, the stronger they are, the less chance of you suffering from another bout of tennis elbow.

I really love the wrist flexion exercise which you can do with either a can of soup or a flex band. I prefer the latter. I would hold the top of the flex band with my palm downwards, and then I just curl my wrist upwards. I would repeat the movement about 15 times. It’s therapeutic to me and I can really feel the stretch in my forearm as well as elbow.

home treatment for tennis elbow pain

Need some videos and in-depth training to help you recover from tennis elbow in the fastest way possible? Tell you what, extensive information on tennis elbow symptoms and treatment can be uncovered via the link below.

tennis elbow symptoms and treatment