How to Fix Tennis Elbow

I first experienced tennis elbow back in the summer of 2012. I was fixing my water cooler when it happened. The pain came out of nowhere! One minute I was using a Philips screwdriver to fix in one of the cooler’s screw, the next minute this razor sharp pain just came running down my arm. Honestly, the pain was pretty insane. I would say the pain was just as bad as that nasty toothache I suffered a few years before.

tennis elbow recovery time

Anyway, I was very eager to find out precisely how to fix tennis elbow, but I didn’t have the financial means to engage the service of a professional physiotherapist. But I discovered a cheaper and better alternative. Something many folks out there can actually afford. After all, professional physiotherapists usually charge hundreds of dollars over several sessions.

See, I purchased a step by step treatment guide produced by a fellow name Geoff Hunt who is based in Canada. For your info, the guy works as an exercise rehab specialist so he knows a great deal about treating, recovering and preventing tennis elbow which is also known as elbow tendonitis.

Below is a photo of Geoff Hunt demonstrating how to fix tennis elbow using an extension movement specifically formulated to halt future relapse of tennis elbow. And if you want to discover more details about Geoff Hunt’s Tennis Elbow Treatment and Prevention instructional system, simply click on the link located beneath the photo.

how to fix tennis elbow

Now guys, I would like to point out that there are two ways to fix tennis elbow without complicated exercise device or equipment.

1) The Heal it as you Feel it approach.
2) The Heal it and Halt it approach.

The first approach, as the name implies, doesn’t work on a long-term basis. What it does is heal the affected area temporarily. So if the pain hits you while you’re raking leaves in your lawn for example, you immediately get going with the treatment process.

What does the treatment process entails?

Well, first things first. You should start whatever you’re doing immediately. In this case, raking leaves. Fine, drop your rake and head over to your closet and pick up a tea towel that’s nice and clean. Next stop is the kitchen. Once you get there, open your freezer and remove some ice cubes.

Lay the tea towel squarely on your table and then place the ice cubes on top. Next you wrap up the cubes with the tea towel and apply to the region where the pain stems from. Compress your homemade ice pack into the pain region and stop once it gets numb.

I would recommend compressing for 10 minutes. You may want to go for as long as 20 minutes if you feel it is necessary. That’s the maximum you should aim for however. You leave the ice on longer than 20 minutes and you might ruin your skin tissue. You don’t want that of course.

 Tennis Elbow Recovery Time after Compressing with Homemade Ice Pack

One interval is never enough. This compression treatment may require up to 4 intervals a day. For starters, keep it at 3 intervals daily every 4 hours or so. You would usually experience some kind of relief within 2 days.

Now, the second approach is almost similar to the first one. You stop conducting activities that has the potential to exacerbate your tennis elbow. Then you compress with ice until you feel relief. The difference with this approach is that you’ll need to execute some tennis elbow prevention exercises after your elbow has recovered.

Believe me; you’ll feel the difference if you do the prevention exercises according to instructions provided by Hunt. They work like a dream as I haven’t experienced tennis elbow in a very long time. Indeed, that is the beauty of the Heal it and Halt it approach.

So these are the two practical ways to fix tennis elbow and if I were you, I would unquestionably go for the second approach because I want to be free of tennis elbow for as long as I live. Sure this approach takes effort and time, but in the long run, it is a whole lot more rewarding than the first method.

Let’s learn the art of treating and preventing tennis elbow from relapsing into your life. Start discovering how to fix tennis elbow by clicking on the link you see below. Enjoy the full animated video presentation.

ways to fix tennis elbow