Rather than blowing your cash on multiple massage therapy sessions or costly rehab equipment, you can just perform the necessary treatment yourself right in the comfort of your home. Yes, curing tennis elbow at home is absolutely possible. As soon as the affected elbow is totally healthy (no inflammation and pain), you can begin the recurrence prevention process.
You’re going to need detailed help on getting rid of tennis elbow, and keeping it from coming back, so you should really consider obtaining a step-by-step manual created by Geoff Hunt who is an Exercise Rehab Specialist and also a Certified Fitness Trainer. You may view his video presentation via the link provided below.
Some remedies for tennis elbow such as inflammatory painkillers can actually induce bleeding in the lining of the stomach. And it gets even worse for folks who have suffered peptic ulcer in the past because such painkillers can cause the ulcer to recur. What about people with no history of peptic ulcer?
Sure, we are not as susceptible as people who have experienced the problem before, but that don’t mean we are totally out of the woods. If we keep popping those painkillers, in time, stomach ulcer could develop. It’s simply not practical and not to mention dangerous, to keep on taking inflammatory painkillers every time tennis elbow strikes us in full force.
Curing tennis elbow at home requires patience and persistence, but it’ll work if you are willing to try and keep going at it for a few weeks. It won’t take long to treat the inflammation; however, developing strength around the affected elbow area is going to take some time i.e. around 8 to 12 weeks.
The reward is that your tennis elbow problem is very less likely to hit you again after completing the strength development program. Now, the strength development program I’m referring to is not some program to help you build muscle mass or whatever, okay? Basically, the program comprises a number of movements that are precisely formulated to target the ligaments, muscles, and tendons around the stricken elbow.
Obviously you shouldn’t be doing any exercise program until the swelling subsides and absolutely no presence of pain. Now, one of the key remedies for tennis elbow is icing. At the first sign of swelling, what you should quickly do is wrap some ice cubes in a t-shirt, a thick piece of cloth, or whatever have you, and place it on the affected area till it becomes numb.
About 10 full minutes should do the trick. If necessary, you may want to keep it there a bit longer, say an additional 10 minutes. However, you must never ever put ice on that area for 30 minutes or longer as that could be damaging to your cell and tissue.
Once again, do take the time to check out the following manual as it contains clear video tutorials, detailed step-by-step images, audio file plus lots of insightful tips and advice for healing and banishing tennis elbow. It’s essentially a complete tennis elbow pain solution and you can gain access to it thru this link right here.